Friday 5 March 2010

Last day

Well today is my last day at SSAT and and I have a mild feeling of panic about what is next and also about how many things need to do between now and 5pm (well maybe more like 5.45).

Thanks for having a look at my little blog charting the travels of myself and the boy (aka Ronan). I hope to keep people back at home in touch with what I'm up to, maybe entertain and create something I can look back on when I am old and falling apart.

But before I do that there is a mad week of meals, parties oh and packing up my house to do. Hmm I think the mild feeling of panic just turned into all out hysteria.......

1 comment:

  1. Knowing you it will probably be 6.30!

    Have a great time partying over the weekend, then have a wonderful year exploring. Looking forwaard to reading all about the travels.

